Friday, February 19, 2010

Get Ur Seat On

I love to sit. It’s a thing I’ve discovered lately and mostly because I just had a baby. In my recent past of go go go! I never took the time to savour the little things, like a fine perch on a soft seat. I was engaging in a particularly satisfying sit session one day last summer when it finally hit me -what am I sitting on? I’d taken for granted the fact that whatever had legs or a base and possibly a cushion would support my weight and make me less tired.

So I actually started to look at chairs: their shapes, their styles, their designs. How each one has its own personality.

They’re awesome.

My love for sitting has become entwined with my love for looking at and finding out about what I’m sitting in. Reviewing my photos, I realized that it has become one of my favourite things to do while I’m out and about. It’s just plain fun. And I like to share my fun.

So here we go. Me, in chairs: an epic adventure, or something like that.

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